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MyDealsClub Acquires Mobile Pc Mag
At MyDealsClub we remember reading the magazine as far back as 2004 and remember it with fondness. So when the opportunity came up to acquire the domain name we snapped it up . MydealsClub was founded by Darren Tatch .We provide the most up-to-date deals and promotional offers from dozens of prominent US-based retailers to hungry buyers eager to save money on every transaction. We’ve been working hard since 2009 to bring you the finest discounts and offers .
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Mobile PC was a monthly publication that covered mobile technology such as laptop computers, cellphones, PDAs, MP3 players, digital cameras, mobile gaming consoles, and other portable gadgets like routers, blackberry as well as computer security like antivirus and malware .They also published a widely shared list of the top 100 gadgets of all time . Today MydealsClub still offers a great range of Kaspersky Promo Codes and Antivirus Internet Security Deals.
Future Network USA produced the magazine, and the first issue was issued on June 14, 2004. In 2003, it was renamed Mobile PC, then in June 2005, it was renamed Mobile. The inaugural editor-in-chief was Christopher Null. Future Network USA was served with a cease and desist order for utilising the confusingly identical magazine name and website address Due to unspecified circumstances, the print newspaper Mobile discontinued publishing in November 2005, and the domain name was transferred to Pilato Private Consulting.
The Mobile PC (magazine) – Wikipedia page can be found here .
Magazine Launch
Future Network USA, a subsidiary of the UK-based Future Network, announced intentions to issue its first American magazine in almost two years. Mobile PC magazine, a monthly publication started on January 14 2001 and was the company’s first foray into the United States since the launch of Official Xbox Magazine in Fall 2001. Mobile PC aspired to be the go-to resource and shopping guide for mobile/wireless enthusiasts. It provided a variety of evaluations and features for both newbie and expert mobile PC users. Christopher Null, a veteran of Smart Business and PC Computing, was the magazine’s editor in chief.
Mobile PC was released with a 200,000-rate base and a $5.99 cover price. The debut edition of the magazine was 166 pages long, with a 32-page supplement dedicated to notebook computer purchases. Frequent business travellers, corporate decision-makers, and high-end consumers are among its target audiences. Launch publisher Simon Whitcombe (also the publishing director of Future Network) indicated in a news release that Mobile PC would be a “evangelist magazine” that will swiftly emerge into the category’s most authoritative voice. “No other computer publication will be able to reach this specific readership in a mobile computing environment,” he claimed. “Any maker or reseller of mobile goods or services will find the mobile PC to be the ideal promotional vehicle.” Gary Mirkin, the former publisher of Fast Company and Inc., was the magazine’s associate publisher. MacAddict and PC Gamer are two more Future Network USA offerings.
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