Our Goals And Mission

MyDealsClub was founded during the global financial crisis when money was tight and people were losing their jobs , savings and livelihoods . Our founder, Darren Tatch saw the need for his family to be able to survive during this time and so the idea was born for a coupon website for family members to share and use coupons and deals top save money .

Today that vision has shifted toward offering the general public more options to save money on a much larger range of products and services . So as we grow this website our mission is to offer the very best , most updated deals , offers ,promotions and coupons for anything we are listing .

Future Focus

The gap between rich and poor keeps getting wider so our coupon experts and deal finders are tasked with helping those who need it the most to find and use only the best deals available by any provider. We champion the consumers ability to not pay more than is necessary so Commitment is key to us and as we say . . .

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